Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rain, Rain

It is raining. And I am not talking about the nice, cleansing rain of Spring. I am talking about the kind that soaks everything and makes a soggy mess. The kind that means many of my newly planted flowers will be washed away, sagging or just drowned. The kind that means we are stuck......STUCK in the house with the kids. HELP!!!! There are only so many movies that you can watch in one day.

Honestly, this is the only time I am grateful for PSPs and Playstation 2. The only problem is that there are not enough to occupy all the kids at one time.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Opening letter

Dear Ya'll,
I have been contemplating a blog for some time now and have decided to quit procrastinating and get busy blogging. I don't have time for much today because it took a while to get this thing online and named. Speaking of which, how hard is that? Coming up with the name for your blog that everyone out there can see and will judge you by.